Here are our authors’ latest and upcoming publications. Click through the links to find out more!
Jesse Bradley (episode 2): “Evolution,” published in Cheap Pop Lit.
Katherine Vondy (episode 4): “The Birthday: A Celebration in Two Parts,” published in issue #195 of Crack the Spine.
Jacob M. Appel (episode 26): “The Dragon Declension”, published in Florida Review, Volume 40, Number 1.
Anne Whitehouse (episode36): Meteor Showers, a poetry collection published by Dos Madres Press.
L.N. Holmes (episode 41): “Trace”, published in Vestal Review.
Tade Thompson (episode 46): “The Apologists,” published in Interzone #266; and Rosewater, a novel to be published by Apex Books in November.
Julia Lee Barclay-Morton (episode 57): “The God Thing,” which was originally published by Stolkholm Review of Literature, received an honorable mention from Glimmer Train’s short story contest.