“‘Divebombing’ is This Thing I Do With Camera One-Twelve on Forney Towers Where I Focus on the Wide Horizon of Trees and Electric Windmills and Then Begin a Slow Simulated Suicide by Zooming-in and Arcing the Angle Patiently Downward Until Rooftops, then Windows, Doors, Bushes, a Street, and a Sidewalk Pass Overhead, and Finally the 10x Digital Zoom Fuzzes Everything About a Slab of Concrete Forty Stories Down” was originally published in Knee Jerk Magazine
(The full title of the story, which is only one of its highlights, and is read at least once during the episode is repeated below because it is necessary.)
Tyler Barton recently moved to Mankato, Minnesota from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He’s an MFA candidate at Minnesota State University at Mankato and the fiction editor of Third Point Press. He’s been published in other places, and you can find a list of these links at tsbarton.com. Follow him @goftyler.
Image: Flickr / Intel Free Press