It’s July 2018 and our last update was almost a year ago, and we’re not proud of that fact. But during this time, both our host and our audio producer/composer have picked up and moved halfway (almost exactly) across the country, started new activities, and have been trying to wrestle with the political situation we all find ourselves in.
Art is, as always, a saving grace in troubled times as well as a resistance more powerful than it seems on the face of it. So we’d like to bring your attention to the marvelous work of our brilliant guests, and hope you keep engaging with literature as a space of empathy, protest, and more.
Below, you’ll find recent notices of our guests’ latest writing activities:
- Rebecca Boeshaar (ep. 113) has published work in the current issue of The Passed Note Review.
- Laurie Stone (ep. 94) has forthcoming work in Post Road and Diagram, and a piece just published in Your Impossible Voice, “Sunglasses.” She can be found on twitter @lauriestone, and on her website at
- Natasha Yglesias (ep. 1) just began her MFA program in Fiction at Bennington College, Class of 2020.
- Matthew Lansburgh (ep. 136) recently published an essay in the Michigan Quarterly Review.
- Kit Haggard (ep. 11) was recently published on Buzzfeed. She can be found on twitter @kithaggard.
- Todd Dillard (ep. 7) has been hard at work with poems forthcoming in Nimrod, Flapperhouse, Crab Creek Review, Pidgeonholes, Spry, Kaleidotrope, Sequestrum, and Cease, Cows! He also recently published poems for Cotton Xenomorph, Noble Gas Quarterly, and Cease, Cows! Find him on twitter @toddedillard.
- David Galef (ep. 163) recently published his story “30-Minute Backrub in Chinatown” for New Flash Fiction Review. He made Wigleaf’s Top 50 Very Short Fictions of 2018 list and also won this year’s ALSCW’s Meringoff Prize for Fiction. He can be found on twitter @dgalef.
- Jaimee Wriston Colbert (ep. 99) published her new novel, Vanishing Acts on Formite Press, and it was selected by among their monthly list of Authors Who Tackle Climate Change. She was recently interviewed by The Nervous Breakdown.
- Jason Gordy Walker (ep. 78) will be in the forthcoming issue of Think Journal with his poem, “Pantoum for Myself and Others.” He recently received a full scholarship from Poetry by the Sea.
- Rayna White (ep. 119) has an upcoming piece on The Creator’s Life about artists and self-promotion. She can be found on twitter @raynajwm and Instagram @raynajwmartinez.
- Peter Haynes (ep. 82) upcoming novel The Willow By Your Side will be released in November by Unsung Stories. He recently published pieces on Cabinet of Heed and HereComesEveryone, respectively. He can be found on twitter @ManOfZinc.
- Amber Colleen Hart (ep. 146) published her piece, “Mother’s Circle,” in the spring 2018 issue of Gone Lawn. She can be found here on Facebook.
- Nick Gregorio’s (ep. 92) first novel, Good Grief, is available now from Maudlin House, and his short story collection This Distance will be available this November. Find him on twitter @mister_nick_ and on Instagram @mister__nick.
- Katherine Vondy’s (ep. 4) play The Fermi Paradox is being put up at the Campfire Theater Festival in Boise, Idaho this September. She can be found on twitter @walkingdeadpan.
- Douglas W. Milliken (ep. 80) recently published his chapbook, The Opposite of Prayer, and short stories in Zetetic and Forge Literary Magazine, respectively. In the Mines, his upcoming chapbook and LP with Scott Sell, will be released in August through Pilot Editions. Find him on Facebook here.
- Cynthia Zhang (ep. 140) recently published a personal essay on Lunch Ticket, and she will begin attending USC this fall to receive her PhD. Follow her blog:
- Adam Bjelland (ep. 131) published work in this issue of Junto Magazine. He has a story, “Worth a Thousand Words,” upcoming in the inaugural issue of Underwood Press, as well as a story in an upcoming issue of Junto, “Immersion.”
- Daniel DeLeón (ep. 149) will be doing several readings in Chicago. Find him on Instagram @deleoncreation.
- Caitlin Hamilton Summie will be in an upcoming episode of The Other Stories, and she recently was awarded Silver in the Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards for Short Stories. Her website is
- Lisa Locascio’s (ep. 23) novel, Open Me, will be published by Grove Atlantic on August 7. Look for her piece on Electric Literature coming in August as well, and join her on her book tour! Find her on twitter @senzaflash and Instagram @senzaflash_.
- Gordon Haber (ep. 151) was awarded a grant by the Queens Arts Council to write a new novel, and he will be at the Toji Cultural Foundation in Korea in October. Follow him on twitter @gordonhaber.
- Alexandria Olivia will appear in an upcoming episode of The Other Stories and is hard at work on her second novel for Penguin Random House.
- Peter J. Stavros’s (ep. 152) story “Twenty Good Years” appeared this summer in Thoughtful Dog Magazine and on the podcast Other People’s Flowers. His play, “Three Sides,” will be produced as part of 13th Annual One Act Play Festival at the Artists’ Exchange in Cranston, RI from July 26 through August 11. Find him on twitter @PeterJStavros.
- Renee S. Decamillis’s (ep. 143) published her story, “Sunshower Death,” as a part of the horror anthology, Deadman’s Tome: The Conspiracy Issue. She has also appeared as a guest on the Deadman’s Tome Podcast. Find her on twitter @Phantom_1333 and on her website,
- Polis Loizou will appear in an upcoming episode of The Other Stories, and Litro Magazine is currently running his new column on his honeymoon in Japan. In July, he’ll be performing his one-man ghost story, “A Curse of Saints,” at the Buxton Festival Fringe Fringe. Find him on twitter @polisloizou, Instagram @polistakespics, or Facebook at “Polis Loizou.”
- Katie Salisbury (ep. 132) recently gave a TED Talk about her ongoing photojournalism project, and she also had an exhibition for the same project. Read about it here. She was also recently interviewed by BRIC TV. Subscribe to her newsletter: